
XII International Symposium On Clinical Anatomy

2024-10-10 - 2024-10-13

2024-05-01 - 2024-09-16

XII International Symposium On Clinical Anatomy

10-13 OCTOBER 2024


Instructions for registration (in English)
Инструкции за регистрация

Program [link for download]

Supported by the EU NextGenerationEU,

Project №BG-RRP-2.004-0009-C02


Important information:

The participation at the XII International Symposium On Clinical Anatomy will not require a participation fee. However, the capacity of the venue is limited to 120 participants. Upon registration, approved participants will receive an email with further instructions and a link to a website for accommodation booking at preferential prices for the conference days. Registration covers conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners.

Important Announcement:All keynote lectures and oral presentation sessions of the XII Symposium on Clinical Anatomy will be streamed live. The stream will be accessible at the following address: https://www.mu-varna.bg/EN/xii-international-symposium-on-clinical-anatomy 

Poster presentation limitations: Printed poster sizes should not exceed maximal Width 80 cm and maximal Height  120 cm 


15 August 2024 Registration and abstract submission closes

10 September 2024 Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts


Organizing Committee:

Anton B. Tonchev (MU-Varna)
Stoyan Pavlov (MU-Varna)
Fabio Quondamatteo (EFEM)
Paolo Onori (EFEM)
Nikolai Lazarov (BAS)
Krikor Dikranian (WASHU, USA)

Meglena Angelova (MU-Varna)
Desislava Marinova (MU-Varna)
Peter Valchanov (MU-Varna)
Dimo Stoyanov (MU-Varna)
Marin Zhelezov (MU-Varna)
Rositza Marinova (MU-Varna)



Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna

Varna, Bulgaria


About the area

Varna is the third-largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. The symposium venue is located right next to the Sea Garden, or formally the Seaside Park – Varna's largest, oldest and best-known public park. Situated along the city's coast on the Black Sea, it is an important tourist attraction and a national monument of landscape architecture. With its long alleys for promenades, the seacoast with the beach, numerous restaurants, bars, clubs, and a swimming pool complex, the park is the favourite place for recreation and fun for the citizens of Varna.


11 km NE from Varna Airport – trip duration 10 min.


XII International Symposium On Clinical Anatomy

Program of the XII Symposium on Clinical Anatomy and III European Student Symposium on Anatomical Research, 2024 [link for download; final version]

NB! Poster presentation limitations: Printed poster sizes should not exceed maximal Width 80 cm and maximal Height  120 cm


Wednesday, 09.10.2024

19:00 Welcome reception: Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, Panorama level


Thursday, 10.10.2024

08:15-09:15    Registration – Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, Foyer in front of “Galatea Ballroom”

09:15   Welcome address and opening, Darsalas Hall

Prof. Dr Dimitar Raykov, DSc (Rector of the Medical University – Varna)​

Fabio Quondamatteo (President, EFEM)

Anton Tonchev (Varna, Bulgaria – local Organizer)

Nikolai Lazarov (Sofia, Bulgaria – Chairman, Bulgarian Anatomical Society)


9:45-10:15 Keynote lecture:

Fabio Quondamatteo (Dublin, Ireland)

Anatomy meets molecules, a wonderful pair!


10:15-11:00 CAT B Session 1 - Speakers 1-4 (6-7 min each)

Moderator: K. Dikranian (St. Louis, MO, USA)

Lili Kovács – Hungarian Anatomical Society

Anita Hristova – Bulgarian Anatomical Society

Franka Lenzing – Hungarian Anatomical Society

Giacomo Maria Cerreto – SIAI (Italian Anatomical Society)

Q&A session


11:00-11:30 Coffee break


11:30-12:15 CAT B Session 2 - Speakers 5-8 (6-7 min each)

Moderator: F. Quondamatteo (Dublin, Ireland)


Weronika Michalik – Polish Anatomical Society

Aleksa Vučković – Serbian Anatomical Society

Carolina Adelaide Major Rodrigues – Portuguese Anatomical Society

Jovana Nikolić – Serbian Anatomical Society

Q&A session


12:15-12:45 Keynote lecture:

Abigail Tucker (London, United Kingdom)

Jaw to ear transformations: using comparative anatomy to understand mammalian evolution


12:45-14:00 Lunch break


14:00-14:30 CAT B Session 3 - Speakers 9-11 (6-7 min each)

Moderator: A. Tucker (London, United Kingdom)


Sophie Grigolo Swiss Society for Anatomy Histology and Embryology

Ivan Ivanov – Medical University-Varna

Maya Stelzer – NAV (Dutch Anatomical Society)

Q&A session


14:30-15:30 CAT A Session 1 - Speakers 1-4 (10 min each)

Moderator: T. Clarner (Bonn, Germany)


Natalia Penar – Anatomical Society (Anatomical Society of Ireland and UK)

Nils Fleischmann – Anatomische Gesellschaft (German Speaking Anatomical Society)

Sophie Mok – Anatomical Society (Anatomical Society of Ireland and UK)

Guillaume Dannhoff - Association des Morphologistes (French Anatomical Society)

Q&A session


15:30-16:30 CAT A Session 2 - Speakers 5-8 (10 min each)

Moderator: C. Curtin (Dublin, Ireland)


Olga Maria Manna – SIAI (Italian Society for Anatomy and Histology)

Bogomil Peshev – Bulgarian Anatomical Society

Sofía Martínez Molina – Spanish Anatomical Society

Marcos Gonzalez Lopez – Czech Anatomical Society

Q&A session


16:30-17:00 Coffee break


17:00-17:45 CAT A Session 3 - Speakers 9-11 (10 min each)

Moderator: JP Timmermans (Antwerp, Belgium)


Ana Rita da Costa Garcia – Portuguese Anatomical Society

Grischa Ott – Swiss Society for Anatomy Histology and Embryology

Lucas Visscher – NAV (Dutch Anatomical Society)

Q&A session


17:45-18:15 Keynote lecture:

Tim Clarner (Bonn, Germany)

Neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration as drivers of Multiple Sclerosis pathology


18:30 Prizes, Closing

Prize Giving Best Image

Prize Giving Category B

Prize Giving Category A


19:00 Welcome dinner: Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, “Galatea Ballroom”, Foyer in front of “Galatea Ballroom”




Thursday, 10.10.2024


8:30-18:00      Registration – Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, Foyer in front of “Galatea Ballroom”

18:30   Аward ceremony for the winners of the 2024 European Student Symposium on Anatomical Research, Darsalas Hall


19:00 Welcome dinner: Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, “Galatea Ballroom”, Foyer in front of “Galatea Ballroom”


Friday, 11.10.2024


08:00-17:00    Registration – Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel Varna, Foyer in front of “Galatea Ballroom”


09:00-9:15      Welcome address, Darsalas Hall

Fabio Quondamatteo (President, EFEM)

Anton Tonchev (Varna, Bulgaria – local Organizer)

Nikolai Lazarov (Sofia, Bulgaria – Chairman, Bulgarian Anatomical Society)


Moderator: A. Tonchev

9:15-9:55 Keynote lecture:

Azad Bonni (Basel, Switzerland)

Deregulation of Ubiquitin signaling in genetic neurodevelopmental disorders



Nikolai Lazarov (Sofia, Bulgaria), Rashev PI (Sofia, Bulgaria), Mourdjeva MS (Sofia, Bulgaria), Atanasova DY (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Changes in the expression levels of angiogenic peptides in the carotid body of hypertensive rats




Stefan Sivkov (Pleven, Bulgaria), Akabalieva K (Sofia, Bulgaria), Akabaliev V (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Sexual dimorphism in eye dominance in schizophrenic patients and normal controls


Albert Gradev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Rashev P (Sofia, Bulgaria), Iliev V (Sofia, Bulgaria), Jelev L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Dandov A (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Sex differences and adolescent neurochemical plasticity of kappa-opioid receptors in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis


10:45-11:00 Coffee break


Special session: Prof. Dr. Michail S. Davidoff (1940-2024): In memoriam

Moderator: N. Atanassova



Nina Atanassova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Koeva I (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Michail Davidoff and his remarkable contribution in our understanding for the development of adult Leydig cell population



Ralf Middendorff (Giessen, Germany)

Michail Davidoff and his time in Hamburg



George N. Chaldakov (Varna, Bulgaria)

Michail Davidoff: the state-of-the-science in cell biology, with special reference to his microcalligraphs


12:45 – 13:30

First Poster Session (Posters #1-28) – Moderators: L. Jelev, A. Baltadjiev

Lunch – 13:30-14:30 ("Galatea Ballroom")


N. Lazarov

14:30-15:10 Keynote lecture:

Zoltán Molnár (Oxford, United Kingdom)

Shadows of the subplate – the link between early cortical development to Autism Spectrum Disorders



Milena Trandafilovic (Niš, Serbia), Pavlović M (Niš, Serbia), Milić M (Niš, Serbia), Antović A (Niš, Serbia), Stojanović I (Niš, Serbia)

The variety of the concept of cerebral arterial hypoplasia and the clinical significance of limitations in their visualization



Toma Spiriev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Milev M (Sofia, Bulgaria), Trandzhiev M (Sofia, Bulgaria), Laleva L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Maslarski I (Sofia, Bulgaria), Körner KM (Düsseldorf, Germany), Wolf-Vollenbröker M (Düsseldorf, Germany), Cornelius JF (Düsseldorf, Germany), Nakov V (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Temporal stem anatomy. Photorealistic surface scanning and 3D tractography study



Kristian Bechev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) , Yotova N (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Ilyov I (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Sublabial, transsphenoidal access, in pituitary adenomas and the importance of sphenoid sinus anatomy



Vladislav Petrov (Varna, Bulgaria), Morfov S (Varna, Bulgaria), Stoykova A (Göttingen, Germany), Doeppner T (Giessen, Germany), Mihailova V (Varna, Bulgaria), Stoyanova I (Frankfurt, Germany), Tonchev A (Varna, Bulgaria)

Effects of stroke on de novo generated cells in the mouse brain subventricular zone following genetic inactivation of the transcription factor Pax6



Nikolay Genov (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dimitrov N (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Lazarov NE (Sofia, Bulgaria), Atanasova D (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Agеing of the myenteric plexus in the rat colorectal region



Marin Zhelezov (Varna, Bulgaria), Stoyanova I (Varna, Bulgaria), Angelova M (Varna, Bulgaria), Pavlov S (Varna, Bulgaria), Tonchev A (Varna, Bulgaria)

Relationship between microglial subpopulations and neurogenesis in the human fetal telencephalon



Anton B. Tonchev (Varna, Bulgaria)

Neurogenesis in the adult non-human primate brain: molecular signatures of the stem cell niches


16:30-17:00 Coffee break


Neuroscience – “Brain injury” Special session

Moderator: Z. Molnár



Doychin Angelov (Cologne, Germany), Rink-Notzon S (Cologne, Germany), Wollny L (Cologne, Germany), Pavlov S (Varna, Bulgaria), Sarikcioglu L (Antalya, Turkey), Manthou M (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Injections of BDNF into the paralyzed whiskerpad muscles after facial nerve reconstruction improve quality of reinnervation and vibrissal motor performance in rats


Jean-Pierre Timmermans (Antwerp, Belgium)

Role of Mrgprb2/X2 receptors in neuro-immune actions in the gut under healthy and inflamed conditions



Krikor Dikranian (St.Louis, MO, USA)

Lessons from rodent models of pediatric traumatic brain injury



Stoyan Pavlov (Varna, Bulgaria), Rink-Notzon S (Cologne, Germany), Sarikcioglu L (Antalya, Turkey), Manthou ME (Thessaloniki, Greece), Angelov DN (Cologne, Germany)

Association between recovering vibrissal motor performance and geometric properties of regenerating axons after facial nerve injury in rats


18:40 – 19:45

Second Poster Session (Posters #29-56) – Moderators: S. Sivkov, N. Atanassova


19:45   Dinner in “Galatea Ballroom”


Saturday, 12.10.2024


Cell Biology

Moderator:  R. Bleys


8:30-9:10 Keynote lecture:

Caroline Curtin (Dublin, Ireland)

Leveraging anatomical insights for gene-activated scaffolds in musculoskeletal repair and 3D tumour modeling



Nikola Stamenov (Sofia, Bulgaria), Stanchev S (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Kotov G (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria), Kirkov V (Sofia, Bulgaria), Iliev A (Sofia, Bulgaria)        

Vascular endothelial growth factor and its role in cardiac remodelling under hypertensive conditions



Nikola Stamenov (Sofia, Bulgaria), Jelev L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Atanasova D (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dandov A (Sofia, Bulgaria),, Lazarov NE (Sofia, Bulgaria),

The altered transmitter phenotype of neuroepithelial bodies under hypertensive conditions in rats



George Chaldakov (Varna, Bulgaria), Ghenev P (Varna, Bulgaria)

Translational cell biology: from MTs to LoDoCo in CVDs (1975) as approved by FDA (2023)


9:50-10:15 Coffee break


Special session “Technological horizons of anatomical education and morphological research”

Moderator: S. Pavlov



Ronald Bleys (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Anti-inflammatory reflex, thoracic duct and fascias: fundamental and applied anatomical research refines esophageal surgery



Pavel Naydenov (SOLA, Bulgaria)

A Mixed Reality Approach to Modern Anatomy Teaching



Andrija Nikodijevic (ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions)

ZEISS arivis - Scientific Image Analysis for live and fixed samples



Peter Valchanov (Varna, Bulgaria), Kontny A (Varna, Bulgaria)

Bioprinting 101 - hydrogels and how to synthetize, fabricate and use them


Gulhis Akar (Beckman Coulter, Turkey)

CytoFLEX SRT - CytoFLEX that sorts



Silvi Isaeva (ELTA90, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Classical solutions in the field of anatomy



Dimiter Stoyanov (Antisel, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Title TBA



Nikola Pirovski (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Vasseva-Dikova J (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)      

Cryotherapy as personalized medicine



Aysegul Girgin (Edirne, Turkey), Taskınalp O (Edirne, Turkey)     

Morphology and location of infraorbital and supraorbital retaining ligaments in adult head cadavers


12:30-13:00 Keynote lecture

Valentin Djonov (Bern, Switzerland)

The concept of one health in the clinical anatomy



Meeting of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society


Lunch – 13:30 – 15:00 ("Galatea Ballroom")


Free time


Sunday, 13.10.2024

 Locomotor anatomy

Moderator: R. Middendorff


9:00–9:30 Keynote lecture

Boyko Gueorguiev (Davos, Switzerland)

Analysis of new concepts for development of specific anatomical orthopaedic plate systems



Peter Valchanov (Varna, Bulgaria)  

Spatial accuracy of the 3D printed anthropomorphic models



Rumen Roydev (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Tsandev N (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Bakici C (Ankara, Turkey), Vodenicharov А (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Anatomical, radiological, and 3d computer tomographic studies on the hyoid apparatus of the domestic cat



Aleksa Vučković ( Niš, Serbia), Nikolić J ( Niš, Serbia), Pešić M ( Niš, Serbia), Stojanović J ( Niš, Serbia), Pavlović M ( Niš, Serbia) 

Assessment of cervical lordosis in different age categories in southeastern serbs



Nina Yotova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Novakov S. (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)  

Latissimus dorsi flaps and their blood supply



Muhammed Yusuf Afacan (Istanbul, Turkey), Han Y (Istanbul, Turkey), Davulcu CD (Istanbul, Turkey), Marur T (Istanbul, Turkey)           

Application of the Fibonacci Golden Ratio in Pelvic Anatomy: An Innovative Approach for Orthopedic Assessment through Radiological Imaging



Cüneyt Bozer (Edirne, Turkey), Bozer Ö (Edirne, Turkey)

The influence of colors on human gait



10:30-11:00 Coffee break


Anthropology, Varia

Moderator: B. Gueorguiev



Makbule Elif Yilmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Cikmaz S (Edirne, Turkey), Akin Uzan HS (Edirne, Turkey), Colak A, Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey)

Can anthropometric measurements be used to predict difficult intubation?



Victoria Russeva (Sofia)      

Monastery Community of the Karaach Teke, Varna – Pathological Changes on Bone Remains (Health, Invalidity and Social Support in the Early Medieval Bulgaria)



Jovana Nikolic ( Niš, Serbia), Vuckovic A ( Niš, Serbia), Trandafilovic M ( Niš, Serbia)           

Deviation of the nasal septum in adults



Cüneyt Bozer (Edirne, Turkey)        

Innervation of the auricle: anatomical basis of ear acupuncture



Davit Tophuria (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Liver toxic damage in occupational exposure to solvents



Maia Matoshvili (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Epidemiology and clinical features of patients with psoriasis in Georgia



12:30 Closing of the XII International Symposium on Clinical Anatomy




Friday, 11.10.2024


First Poster Session (Posters #1-28) – Moderators: L. Jelev, A. Baltadjiev


Poster No 1. Acupuncture and Primo Vascular System. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey) 

Poster No 2. Anatomical study on the morphometric measurements of the clavicle. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Tarhan F (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 3. Anatomical Study on the Nutrient Foramina of the Clavicle. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Agca UUC (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 4. Anatomical variations of the articulation surfaces of the calcaneus among Bulgarian population. M Angelova (Varna, Bulgaria), Marinova D (Varna, Bulgaria), Borislavova K (Varna, Bulgaria), Zhekova V (Varna, Bulgaria)

Poster No 5. Anatomy in pre-Hippocratic times. O Taşkınalp (Edirne, Turkey), Cığalı BS (Edirne, Turkey), Yücesoy S (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 6. Association of the adiponectin rs266729 polymorphism and obesity in North Bulgarian population. TR Rashev (Pleven, Bulgaria), Nankov V (Pleven, Bulgaria), Marinova DM (Pleven, Bulgaria), Trifonov SV (Pleven, Bulgaria)

Poster No 7. Canines as predictors of sex in Bulgarian population. Z Harizanova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Popova F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Peycheva M (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Bozhikova E (Columbus, USA), Todorova Z (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Petrova N (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 8. Celiac trunk variations – anatomy and clinical relevance. S. Novakov (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Petleshkova Ts (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Popova F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Zaykova V (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Topalova K (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Sabri S (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 9. Comparison of Cormack and Lehane’s grade with mandibular anthropometry. HS Akin Uzan (Edirne, Turkey), Cikmaz S (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz ME (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 10. CT anatomical dimensions of the rabbit adrenal glands. K Stamatova-Yovcheva (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dimitrov R (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dineva A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Nedev V (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Goranov N (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Yovchev D (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Poster No 11. Differences in the expression of activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (ARC) in the hippocampus induced by the noradrenergic activation of the basolateral amygdala during memory consolidation. D Atanasova (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Peshev B (Sofia, Bulgaria), Ivanova P (Sofia, Bulgaria), Krushovlieva D (Sofia, Bulgaria), Kortenska L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Rashev P (Sofia, Bulgaria), Mourdjeva M (Sofia, Bulgaria), Lazarov N (Sofia, Bulgaria), Tchekalarova J (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 12.  Distribution of subcutaneous fat tissue in Bulgarian patients with type 1 Diabetes mellitus. A Baltadjiev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Petleshkova Ts (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Harizanova Z (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Grozlekova L (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Argirov C (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Topalova K (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) , Tineshev S (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 13. Klotho gene and ageing markers in brain and kidney of old rats supplemented with GABA and polyphenolic compounds enriched functional foods. E Daskalova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Gerginska F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Delchev S (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Pencheva M (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Metodieva К (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Kitova M-F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Indjian K (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Pencheva D (Sofia, Bulgaria), Vasileva B (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Denev P (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 14. Exploring morphological and histological aspects of drug-induced hyperprolactinemia. Chicu C (Chisinau, Moldova), Globa T (Chisinau, Moldova), Stela Bacinschi-Gheorghița S (Chisinau, Moldova)

Poster No 15. History of the Wernicke area. M Pehlivan (Edirne, Turkey), Ağca UUC (Edirne, Turkey), Erdoğan FM (Edirne, Turkey), Taşkınalp O (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 16. Identity of cells expressing the transcription factor Zbtb20 in the developing murine cerebellum. D Stoyanov (Varna, Bulgaria), Veleva L (Varna, Bulgaria), Velikov I (Varna, Bulgaria), Manoylov I (Sofia, Bulgaria), Tchorbanov A (Sofia, Bulgaria), Tonchev AB (Varna, Bulgaria).

Poster No 17. Immunohistochemical study of BDNF in hippocampal formation of rats treated with Tanacetum vulgare L. N Penkova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Atanassova P (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Peychev L (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Hrischev P (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Peychev Zh (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 18. Erasmus Anatomy Research Project (EARP): a student-to-student anatomical teaching program. Van den Berg R (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Visscher L (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Langmuur SJJ (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Theeuwes HP (Rotterdam, Netherlands), van Woerden GM (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Poster No 19. Immunohistochemical study on the role of adipokines in endometrial cancer. B Mitkova (Varna, Bulgaria)

Poster No 20. In vivo stimulating of osteogenesis by Poly-έ-Caprolactone matrix, loaded with Simvastatin. N Kadreva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Penkova N (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Atanassova P (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Pilicheva B (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 21. Interactive 3D anatomical models of human cadavers as a modern alternative for educational, clinical and scientific development. W Michalik (Cracow, Poland), Rams D (Cracow, Poland), Mazur M (Cracow, Poland); Hołda M (Cracow, Poland); Dobrzynski H (Cracow, Poland); Walocha J (Cracow, Poland)

Poster No 22. Micromorphometric study on the rat trachea of different ages. RD Nenkova (Burgas, Bulgaria), Stefanov IS (Burgas, Bulgaria), Hoirov M (Burgas, Bulgaria), Dineva MS (Burgas, Bulgaria)

Poster No 23. Morphological characteristics of the pelvic part of the pig’s male urethra on silicone elastomer casts. G Kostadinov (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Tsandev N (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dimitrov R (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Vodenicharov A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Poster No 24. Morphological study of the innervation of the epiligament of the medial collateral ligament in human knee. L Gaydarski (Sofia, Bulgaria), Georgiev GP (Sofia, Bulgaria), Dimitrova IN (Sofia, Bulgaria), Slavchev S (Sofia, Bulgaria), Stamenov N (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 25. Morphological study of the symptomatic accessory navicular bone. GP Georgiev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Iliev A (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 26. Morphological study on the rat duodenum. VH Pilicheva-Hadjieva (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Stefanov IS (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Ivanova IG (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Poster No 27. Morphology of the aorta for clinicians. T Hacina (Chisinau, Moldova)

Poster No 28. Morphometric study of decellularized umbilical cord arteries before and after pressure resistance test. L Globa (Chisinau, Moldova), Globa T (Chisinau, Moldova), Hacina T (Chisinau, Moldova), Globa P (Chisinau, Moldova), David V (Chisinau, Moldova)


18:30 – 19:30

Second Poster Session (Posters #29-56) – Moderators: S. Sivkov, N. Atanassova


Poster No 29. Morphometric study of the Cavitas glenoidalis of the scapula. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Erdogan FM (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 30. Nicotine effect on the lung structure in the management of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: the first steps towards a 3D-cellular model. C Franco (Brescia, Italy), Cominelli G (Brescia, Italy), Rezzani R (Brescia, Italy)

Poster No 31. Nitric Oxide Synthase immunoreactivity in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus of the rat. A Ivanov (Sofia, Bulgaria) , Atanasova D (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Lazarov NE (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 32. On-slide clearing and imaging of thick colorectal cancer sections using Ethyl cinnamate and epifluorenscence. A Kontny (Bulgaria, Varna), Stoyanov D (Bulgaria, Varna), Pavlov P (Bulgaria, Varna), Wagner NMS (Bulgaria, Varna), Kolev N (Bulgaria, Varna), Zlatarov A (Bulgaria, Varna), Kalinov T (Bulgaria, Varna), Tonchev AB (Bulgaria, Varna)

Poster No 33. Osteological series from Kaliakra – cranial trepanation and cranial trauma treatment. Advances in medical practices in the late medieval Bulgarian Black Sea fortress. V Russeva (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 34. Paleopathological finds in medieval necropolis (11th – 13th c. A.D.) near the town of Chirpan (Bulgaria). N Atanassova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Ovnarska L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Leshtakov P (Sofia, Bulgaria), Todorov V (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 35. Radiologic Anatomical dimensions of the rabbit kidneys. A Dineva (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Stamatova-Yovcheva K(Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Dimitrov R (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Nedev V (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Goranov N (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Yovchev D (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Poster No 36. Rare cases of sesamoid bone of the foot misdiagnosesd as fractures: report of two cases. GP Georgiev (Sofia, Bulgaria), I Angushev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 37. Role of the bipartite scaphoid in the differential diagnosis of wrist pain. B Landzhov (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Georgiev GP (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 38. Endocranial surface in metopism. S Nikolova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Toneva D (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 39. Supracondylar process of the humerus: a radiological case report. GP Georgiev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Mirazchiyski G (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 40. The effect of facial morphometry on the perception of facial beauty. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Akinonder A (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 41. The expression of constitutive nitric oxide synthase isoforms in the kidneys of spontaneously hypertensive rats after selective block of endothelin A and endothelin B receptors. V Iliev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Jelev L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gradev A (Sofia, Bulgaria), Malinova L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Markova P (Sofia, Bulgaria), Girchev R (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 42. The proportions of sternum length to height and lower and upper extremities and their parts in adult Turkish women and men. M Sasani (Edirne, Turkey), Taşkınalp O (Edirne, Turkey).

Poster No 43. The role of women in the development of anatomy through the centuries. DM Marinova (Pleven, Bulgaria), Angelova LD (Pleven, Bulgaria), Rashev TR (Pleven, Bulgaria), Trifonov SV (Pleven, Bulgaria)

Poster No 44. Tongue movements and mandibular anthropometry. HS Akin Uzan (Edirne, Turkey), Cikmaz S (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz ME (Edirne, Turkey), Yilmaz A (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 45. Topographical study on the nutrient foramina of the scapula. S Cikmaz (Edirne, Turkey), Akturk TD (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 46. Ulnar groove angle of humerus. DD Aydın (Edirne, Turkey), Tarhan F (Edirne, Turkey), Aktürk TD (Edirne, Turkey), Taşkınalp O (Edirne, Turkey)

Poster No 47. Use of acrylate plastic for three-dimensional replicates of blood vessels of healthy and diseased (laminitis) horse hoofs. N Tsandev (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Ignatova J (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Sarova P (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Yordanova A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria), Vodenicharov A (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)

Poster No 48. Variations in the terminal branches of the brachial plexus in the axillary fossa. E Bozhikova, (Columbus, GA, USA), Petleshkova C (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Novakov S (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Harizanova Z (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Popova F (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Uzunov N (Ruse, Bulgaria)

Poster No 49. Zbtb20 in developing vestibular system of mice. N Fialkovska (Varna, Bulgaria), Vachkov IH (Varna, Bulgaria), Stoyanov D (Varna, Bulgaria), Veleva L (Varna, Bulgaria), Manoylov I (Sofia, Bulgaria), Tchorbanov A (Sofia, Bulgaria), Tonchev AB (Varna, Bulgaria)

Poster No 50. Gallstone disease and gastrointestinal hormones. S Sabri (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Penkova N (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Atanasova P (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Penkov R (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Poster No 51. Differential effects of diabetes mellitus induced in neonatal or prepubertal rat on development of testicular cell populations. E Pavlova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Ivanov R (Sofia, Bulgaria), Petrova E (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gluhcheva Y (Sofia, Bulgaria), Vladov I (Sofia, Bulgaria), Lakova E (Pleven, Bulgaria), Atanassova N (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Poster No 52. Case report: Isolated Clinodactyly and soft tissue defect in a 1-year-old infant Naumovski M (Pleven, Bulgaria), Nenov P (Pleven, Bulgaria), Rosmanov V (Pleven, Bulgaria), Trifonov SV (Pleven, Bulgaria)

Poster No 53. Immunohistochemical study on renal apelin receptor expression under hypertensive conditions. K Petrova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Gaydarski L (Sofia, Bulgaria), Iliev A (Sofia, Bulgaria), Stanchev S (Sofia, Bulgaria), Stamenov N (Sofia, Bulgaria), Kotov G (Sofia, Bulgaria), Kirkov V (Sofia, Bulgaria), Landzhov B (Sofia, Bulgaria)



2025-04-03 → 2025-04-05


International Congress of Colorectal Surgery

2025-10-09 → 2025-10-11



International Scientific Conference: Exploring the Intersection of Feeding, Child Development, and Neurodiversity
2024-10-25 → 2024-10-27

· link

International Scientific Conference: Exploring the Intersection of Feeding, Child Development, and Neurodiversity

International Scientific Conference:

Exploring the Intersection of Feeding, Child Development, and Neurodiversity


Connecting Nutrition, Growth and Inclusivity


Date: 25th October 2024 – 27th October 2024

Location: Golden Tulip Hotel, Varna, Bulgaria


Supported by the EU NextGenerationEU, through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria

Project №BG-RRP-2.004-0009-C02


Medical University - Varna is pleased to invite you to the international conference titled “Exploring the Intersection of Feeding, Child Development, and Neurodiversity,” organized under the MUVE-TEAM project. The event will take place from 25 to 27 October 2024 in Varna, at the Golden Tulip Hotel.

The conference, initiated by the  science group 3.1.3. NutriLect, will focus on key topics related to nutrition, growth, and inclusivity in children. Central discussions will address nutritional screening, communication and feeding disorders, innovations in therapeutic approaches to nutrition, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The psychological and social aspects of feeding in neurodiverse populations will also be explored through case studies.

Leading scholars from Bulgaria, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Romania, the USA will participate in the event.

Subtopics and Speaker Alignment

  1. Nutritional Screening and Strategies for Neurodiverse Children
  2. Early Childhood Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
  3. Innovative Therapeutic Approaches to Feeding
  4. Communication and Feeding Disorders: Integration of Speech Therapy
  5. Psychological and Social Aspects of Feeding in Neurodiverse Populations
  6. Role of Organizations in Supporting Neurodiversity and Nutrition
  7. Quality of Life and Stigma in Neurodiverse Conditions
  8. Latest Research and Future Directions in Pediatric Nutrition
  9. Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Advocacy
  10. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Nutrition and Child Development
  11. Case Studies and Practical Interventions


Register: https://forms.gle/5WVLmZRfCeENW1mR9

Contact with organizing committee: nutrilect@googlegroups.com


Important Information

  • Participation in the International Scientific Conference is free of charge.
  • Language: English
  • Venue capacity is limited to 120 participants.
  • Upon registration, approved participants will receive a confirmation email with additional instructions and information for accommodation prices at Golden tulip hotel at preferential rates for the conference days.
  • The registration covers conference materials, coffee breaks, lunch, and dinners.
  • Poster session: Each accepted abstract will be presented during the Poster Session with a 5-minute oral presentation by the author. Abstracts will be published in an online Abstract book. Full manuscript can be published after the editorial decision in a special issue of the journal Biomedical Reviews.

Dates to Remember

  • 25 September 2024: Abstract submission deadline
  • 7 October 2024: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • 10 October 2024: Final registration deadline

Organizing Committee

  • Ruzha Pancheva (MU-Varna)
  • Rositsa Chamova (MU-Varna)
  • Silviya Nikolova (MU-Varna)
  • Sevdzhihan Eyubova (University of Shumen)
  • Nikoleta Yoncheva (Karin dom Foundation)
  • Rozalina Braykova (MU-Varna)
  • Albena Toneva (MU-Varna)
  • Dimitar Marinov (MU-Varna)
  • Stefka Tscvetanova (Karin dom Foundation)

Conference Program

For full preliminary program: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BDAefrQk3VZ_6AH0KjfHZFdpFFTifx-eElVzfBSW6w/edit?usp=drive_link


Confirmed speakers:

Andrea Hathazi (Romania)

Bruna Menegassi (Spain)

Carmen Costea-Bărluțiu (Romania)

Daria Leonidovna Chivchibashi-Pavlova (Bulgaria)

George Bogdanov (Bulgaria)

Hristo Naydenov (Bulgaria)

Ivan Chavdarov (Bulgaria)

Ivan Ivanov (Bulgaria)

Ivan Yankov (Bulgaria)

Karan Courtney Haag (USA)

Koen Huysentruyt (Belgium)

Konstantinos Gerasimidis (UK)

Manlio Vinciguerra (Italy)

Marco Fiore (Italy)

Nadya Koltcheva (Bulgaria)

Nikoleta Yoncheva (Bulgaria)

Nina Yordanova (Bulgaria)

Ruzha Pancheva (Bulgaria)

Sevdzhihan Eyubova (Bulgaria)

Silvia Nikolova (Bulgaria)

Stanka Fitneva (Canada)

Tena Niseteo (Croatia)

Virginia Stallings (USA)



Golden Tulip Hotel Varna
Varna, Bulgaria
Hotel Varna | Golden Tulip


Exploring the Intersection of Feeding, Child Development, and Neurodiversity


About Varna

Varna is the third-largest city in Bulgaria, known as the maritime capital of the country and a popular seaside resort on the Black Sea coast. It boasts a rich history, vibrant culture, and a scenic coastline. The conference venue is located near Sea Garden, Varna’s most famous public park, offering stunning promenades, beach access, and a variety of restaurants, bars, and cultural attractions.

With its combination of historical landmarks, modern amenities, and beautiful natural scenery, Varna provides the perfect setting for both professional gatherings and leisure activities. The city is easily accessible, located just 11 km from Varna Airport, with a short 10-minute drive to the city center.


Visit our team in Facebook: NutriLect Mu - Varna

Updated Preliminary Program of the International Scientific Conference "Exploring the Intersection of Feeding Child Development and Neurodiversity"


Slogan: Connecting Nutrition, Growth and Inclusivity


Date: 25th October 2024 – 27th October 2024


Friday, 25th October 2024

  • 13:00 - 14:00: Participant Registration
  • 14:00 - 14:30: Conference Opening (Welcome and Introduction)
  • 14:30 - 17:00: Session 1: Nutritional Screening and Strategies for Neurodiverse Children
    • Koen Huysentruyt (Belgium) - Nutritional Screening and Strategies for Neurodiverse Children
    • Konstantinos Gerasimidis (UK) - Micronutrient Assessment. 
    • Daria Leonidovna Chivchibashi-Pavlova (Bulgaria) - Animal Modeling of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenges and Opportunities
    • Manlio Vinciguerra (Italy)- Genetics and Epigenetics of Pediatric Fatty Liver

Saturday, 26th October 2024

  • 08:00 - 9:30: Session 2: Early Childhood Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
    • Virginia Stallings (USA) - Nutrition in Children with Cerebral Palsy
    • Ivan Ivanov (Bulgaria) - Early Child Development Tracking
    • Nadya Koltcheva (Bulgaria) - S/he Loves Me S/he Loves Me Not! Specifics of Parent-Child Relationships in Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities
    • Stanka Fitneva, PhD (Canada) - Early Psychosocial Correlates of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Evidence from the Canadian National Longitudinal Study of Children and Youth (Online)
  • 9:30 - 10:00: Coffee Break
  • 10:00 - 13:00: Session 3: Innovative Therapeutic Approaches to Feeding
  • Konstantinos Gerasimidis (UK) Nutritional Screening Tools
  • Virginia Stallings (USA) - Growth and Development in Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Tena Niseteo (Croatia) - Use of Blended Diets in Neurologically Impaired Children
  • Ivan Yankov (Bulgaria) - Growth and Development of Children on Enteral Feeding: 7 Years of Experience in a Reference Center
  • Ruzha Pancheva (Bulgaria) - Tools and Metrics for Tracking Progress in Nutritional Status of Children with CP and Autism
  • Hristo Naydenov, Mila Baycheva (Bulgaria) - Nutritional Interventions in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Neurological Diseases
  • 13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
  • 14:00 - 15:30: Session 4: Communication and Feeding Disorders: Integration of Speech Therapy
    • Nina Yordanova (Bulgaria) - Possibilities and Difficulties for Feeding Therapy in Patients with Cerebral Palsy and Autism
    • Carmen Costea-Bărluțiu, Andrea Hathazi, Diana Botez (Romania) - Attachment Parental Behaviors and Selective Eating in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    • Andrea Hathazi, Carmen Costea-Bărluțiu (Romania) - Mealtime Routines in the Development of Communication Skills in Children with Multiple Disabilities
    • Ivan Chavdarov (Bulgaria) - Neonatal Asymmetric Crying Facies (NACF): Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy, New Methods
  • 15:30 - 16:00: Coffee Break
  • 16:00 - 18:30: Roundtable Discussion: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Feeding and Neurodevelopmental Challenges
    • Participants: All Lecturers 
  • 16:00 – 18:30 Poster presentation:
    • Participants: All attendees

Sunday, 27th October 2024

  • 08:00 - 10:00: Session 6: Role of Organizations in Supporting Neurodiversity and Nutrition
    • Silvia Nikolova (Bulgaria) - Needs Assessment and Quality of Life of Families with Children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism
    • Tena Niseteo (Croatia) - The Role of DHA in Neurodevelopment in Children
    • George Bogdanov (Bulgaria) - Advocacy for political reforms of the National Network for Children in the field of Child development, Nutrition, Growth, and Inclusivity
    • Marco Fiore (Italy) - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Disorder of Neurodevelopmental Origin
    • Nikoleta Yoncheva (Bulgaria) -  Assessment of Feeding and Creating Effective Feeding Plans as a Team: Parent-Doctor-Therapist
  • 10:00 - 10:30: Coffee Break
  • 10:30 - 12:00: Closing Session and Discussion: Future Directions and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
    • Koen Huysentruyt (Belgium) - Case Studies and Practical Interventions
  • Sevdzhihan Eyubova (Bulgaria) - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Understanding the Interplay and Impact on Social and Emotional Functioning
  • Bruna Menegassi (Spain) - Ultra-Processed Foods (UPF) in Children's Diets
  • Karan Courtney Haag (USA) - Social Aspects of Nutrition

12:00: Conference Closing (Summary and Appreciation)

Black Sea Symposium

Black Sea Symposium for Young Scientist in Biomedicine 2024
2024-11-21 → 2024-11-24

· link

Black Sea Symposium for Young Scientist in Biomedicine 2024

Black Sea Symposium for Young Scientists in Biomedicine

21-24 NOVEMBER 2024



Important information:

The participation at the Black Sea Symposium for Young Scientists in Biomedicine will require a participation fee of 40lv BGN both for active and passive participants.

Registration for Active participants covers: presenting their work either by an oral presentation or a poster presentation, attendance of the keynote lectures, two workshops, conference materials and gift bags, coffee breaks, welcome cocktail and gala dinner.

Registration for Passive participants covers, attendance of the keynote lectures, two workshops, conference materials and gift bags, coffee breaks, welcome cocktail and gala dinner.

*All students of Medical University of Varna are welcome to attend our keynote lectures without registration and respectively without paying the participation fee of 40lv BGN. Disclaimer: If not registered as active or passive participant, one would NOT receive a certificate of attendance. 




Payment of the participation fee to the MU-Varna account for participation

in congress:


If you choose to pay the fees by bank transfer and visit a bank branch, you attach the

the registration form the document you received. If you have selected pay on

fees through online banking, you need to take a screenshot (snapshot

on the screen of your device) of the completed translation and attach it to

the registration form.


Transfer to the bank account of MU-Varna in: 

Bank DSK EAD, Branch Varna

Банка ДСК ЕАД, Клон Варна 


IBAN: BG24STSA93003100040700


It is a mandatory condition that the fees be transferred in the name of the participant and/or that the full name appears in the payment order.


Reasons for payment:

Fee for participation in BSYSB 





27th OCTOBER 2024 Registration and abstract submission closes

8th NOVEMBER 2024 Presentation and Poster submission closes


Medical University Varna, Marin Drinov, 55, Varna, Bulgaria

Email: bsysbinfo@gmail.com

Website: https://bsysb.mu-varna.bg/



The final program for our upcoming event, complete with a lineup of engaging lectures, interactive workshops, and exciting social events, will be available soon! Stay tuned as we finalize the details and prepare to share the full schedule with you. We can’t wait to unveil the enriching experiences that await you at our event

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